What Can Your OB-GYN Practice Do to Prepare Before the New Year?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The new year is almost upon us! It’s the ideal time to think about how your OB-GYN practice operates. Choosing Clearwave will revolutionize the way your practice engages your patients.

By adopting this technology now, new and returning patients alike will enjoy streamlined service and satisfying interactions with your practice as we ring in the new year.

Reduce Your Denied Claims with Eligibility-as-a-Service

Clearwave works by verifying primary, secondary and tertiary insurance benefits for patients – instantly and automatically. Insurance benefits are checked up to seven times between appointment scheduling and patient check-in, and will instantly flag any anomalies for proactive staff follow-up.

OB-GYN practices already using Clearwave experience up to 90% fewer denied claims with pre-verified, accurate data. At the same time, Clearwave also helps to maintain cash flow with up-to-date co-pay amounts, and improves collection rates by approximately 65%, embedding collections into the registration and check-in process.

Increase Productivity with Clearwave Scheduling and Pre-Check

Your practice depends on patients successfully booking appointments and reliably following through with their visits. For ideal operations, practices must also fill appointment openings as efficiently as possible and make visit registration easy.

Clearwave empowers patients to self-schedule appointments and pre-register for visits in advance. Your patients like the ability to book an exam when they need to. They also appreciate the convenience of completing intake from home electronically and arriving at the office, ready for their appointment.

At your office, this increased patient engagement lifts the administrative workload from your front desk staff. Your team will be able to work more effectively and get their tasks done with more focus and greater satisfaction.

Encourage Growth by Opening a Digital Front Door

Preparing your OB-GYN practice for the new year isn’t just about improving the life of your employees and returning patients. It’s also an opportunity to develop smart strategies to draw in more business and increase profits.

Clearwave’s platform creates a digital front door for a smooth and organized patient experience. New potential patients will appreciate the convenience of scheduling with their own devices, and enabling self-scheduling helps you capture new patients that find you online.

A new year can mean new beginnings for you and your neurology practice. Let Clearwave do the heavy lifting this year to help you get ahead.

Schedule your quick 30-minute demo with Clearwave and bring your OB-GYN practice into the new year with increased patient satisfaction and value-adding solutions!

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