Ensuring Office Safety in the New Normal: Zero-Contact Patient Check-In

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A “new normal” in the post-COVID world is beginning to take shape as states ease restrictions and some businesses reopen. For medical practices, this means getting creative, since “back-open” does not mean back to the way things were. Rather, zero-contact approaches are likely to become standard operating procedure. By minimizing contact between patients and staff, practices can better ensure the safety of everyone, while minimizing disruption to the business. And it all starts at patient check-in – the first point of contact in any doctor’s visit.

Putting Safety First

As practices begin inviting patients back to their offices, a zero-contact strategy will be critical. Clearwave is ready to assist in bolstering and supporting the reopening process with our Zero-Contact Patient Check-In solution. Through a combination of capabilities and best practices like Mobile Pre-Check™ and virtual waiting rooms, we can help ensure a quality experience for each and every patient, while prioritizing safety from the very first interaction.

Mobile Pre-Check

The patient registration process has many built-in functions that could serve as transmission points for the virus. Prior to COVID, both patients and staff were exposed to at least six “touch” points during check-in, including everything from the handling of pens and insurance cards to clipboards and paper forms. With technology like mobile pre-check, these contact points are instantly eliminated.

By implementing mobile pre-check, office staff can send patients an email or text message ahead of their visit. Patients can then follow a series of prompts to check-in remotely, input personal information, upload pictures of their insurance card or license and answer COVID-19 screening questions – without setting foot in the office. The technology eases the burden not only on office staff, but also on patients who may be nervous to enter a physician’s office – or anywhere outside their homes – post-COVID.

Virtual Waiting Rooms

Social distancing guidelines have quickly become a way of life, and it is very likely that the “six-foot” rule will become the norm even after restrictions are lifted. This makes the idea of traditional waiting rooms practically obsolete. For many practices, limited waiting-room space just won’t allow for proper distancing between patients. For other practices, implementing a drive-through model has been a key strategy to re-entry.  Zero-Contact Patient Check-In aka Virtual waiting rooms, offer an ideal alternative solution, allowing patients to wait comfortably in their cars (perhaps after completing mobile pre-check). Office staff can then control how many people are inside the practice at once by sending messages directly to patients’ phones to let them know when the doctor is ready to see them.

To see a short video about the benefits of zero-contact patient check-in watch here.

For more information on how Clearwave’s Zero-Contact Patient Check-In Solution can help prevent transmission of the virus and preserve patient and staff safety in your practice, please click here.

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