The Patient Will See You Now

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, talks about Healthcare’s Gutenberg moment. As the printing press made possible dramatic changes in access to information, so to mobile technology is changing paradigms in healthcare.


In 2016, Eric Topol wrote a book titled “The Patient Will See You Now.” The future of medicine is in your hands. In addition to being an author, Dr. Topol is a leading cardiologist and he’s talking about how technology is empowering patients, how it is reducing cost while improving services, how mobile technology is democratizing medicine. It is improving the patient experience and, in fact, it’s improving overall public health. Dr. Topol talks about what he calls the Gutenberg moment. Just like the printing press took control of learning out of the hands of the priestly class, so too is mobile technology giving patients unprecedented control over their healthcare.

The patient will see you now by Dr. Topol

At Clearwave we’re seeing this Gutenberg moment play out in waiting rooms across the country. Patients use our mobile solution to register for their appointments, update insurance information, provide demographic data. And all of that information is taken directly from the patient’s phone and integrated back into the provider systems. This improves accuracy and greatly reduces the work at the front desk.

Infographic showing how Clearwave improves accuracy and efficiency

You know, prior to the printing press, books were rare. And it wasn’t that long ago that smartphones were rare. In 2005, only 2% of Americans had a smartphone. Today, over 77% of Americans have a smartphone, and that percentage is increasing every year.

Mobile use in 2005 vs 2018
If you’re still using paper and pen for registration, that’s like manually transcribing a book. Embrace medicine’s Gutenberg moment. The future of medicine is in your patients’ hands.

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