The Digital Healthcare Options Baby Boomers Want

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Baby Boomers are the generation of people born in the US between 1946 and 1964. After millennials, they’re now the second-largest age demographic.

The majority of this generation had planned to work past the age of 65. But the COVID pandemic changed this. Many boomers chose to retire, looking to focus on their quality of life instead.

The Boomer age group has embraced the many benefits of technology. They regularly use devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops. An  AARP study shows they’re using devices more frequently to check email, connect to others, browse the internet, get news and shop.

According to the study, 90% of adults over 50 have a computer or laptop and 70% have a smartphone. During the pandemic, many turned to these devices to connect with the outside world. Using technology was a great option while quarantining to reduce exposure risk, and allowed many to stay connected.

Boomers have gotten used to new ways of getting things done, such as virtual appointments and curbside pick-ups. They, too, appreciate the ease of contactless experiences and contactless payments.

How Platforms Should Engage With Boomers

Now that Boomers, the second-largest demographic, have adopted new technology, healthcare should respond.

This is the perfect time for healthcare organizations to match the technology behaviors of this group. Health systems, hospitals, and practices can deliver the same ease of use and convenience that fit this patient lifestyle.

Create a Positive First Digital Experience

Adults in their late 50s, 60s and 70s are noticing differences in flexibility, mobility and vision.

Filling out a stack of paperwork at a medical visit can present new challenges. Physicians need their patient information to be as thorough and up-to-date as possible. This is best accomplished by reducing any potential points of friction in the collection of this information.

Digital check-in reduces that friction. It offers new convenience and supports the skills that Boomers have recently adopted.

Instead of resting a clipboard on their lap, patients can use a kiosk, tablet or smartphone. This first impression makes them feel less rushed. It’s simple to follow and doesn’t make them feel like their visit hinges on a stack of paperwork. Check-in is quick and satisfying.

Digital check-in also takes the pressure off staff who are trying to read scribbled patient handwriting.

This segment of your patient base will appreciate the efficiency of your practice. With a good first impression, they will also be more open to a range of digital tools. Before long, they’ll be relying on digital self-scheduling and patient communication. These solutions offer easy access and autonomy to your patients, and this generation appreciates both.

Consider Rotating a Front Desk Concierge Role

While getting familiar with new technology, some patients like having someone nearby, in case they need help. Consider placing a rotating concierge roll at your front desk to instill confidence in your patients and provide a lending hand. Patient technology will still do the majority of the heavy lifting when it comes to checking in. But a concierge role can offer guidance, and lets patients know that their experience is still at the center of your work.

Also, by rotating the concierge role, staff still feel that they can be effective, and get other tasks done as needed. Having a fresh face by the kiosks after an hour or two will deliver a higher level of customer service, and allow staff to vary their workday. Staff can also learn tips from each other on how to be encouraging. They’ll be able to support patients while still giving them space to have a comfortable digital interaction.

Boomers Want Efficiency and Independence

As mentioned, Baby Boomers appreciate tools that offer independence and efficient success. For those still adjusting to the digital age, adopting a few simple things into your digital plan can lead to the best results.

Your user interface, or UI, should be clear and logical, with plain language and simple access points. The first step of any tool should be universally easy to understand.

Patients who are not as accustomed to technology can quickly develop a sense of comfort if your interface is easy to navigate and use. This leads to a sense of accomplishment. They then begin to seek out providers who offer digital convenience.

Relevant customizations can let your patients know about other services available at your practice. These services can be age-appropriate, even though no one likes to think about medical options and getting older. But this can be done without ever having to mention age. Some excellent examples of this are:

  • “Better vision is easier than you think! Would you like to hear about the options?”
  • “Don’t live with a bunion – let us tell you how we can make a difference!”

Support this Generation with Convenience

There are many ways to better serve your Boomer patient demographic with the right digital tools. With consideration of how solutions are best introduced, they will adopt new tools and enjoy convenience.

Clearwave offers several solutions to deliver a better patient experience – and support practices, hospitals and health systems.

  • Quick Patient Check-In
  • Patient Self-Scheduling
  • Automated Eligibility Verification
  • Point of Sale Collections
  • Convenient Patient Pre-Registration
  • Easy Appointment Reminders
  • Premium Services Promotion

Register for a demo and let’s talk about how we help you improve the patient experience, across all ages!

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