Invest in Vision Eligibility Verification and Increase Staff Productivity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Manual verification of patients’ insurance eligibility is time-consuming, labor-intensive and prone to error. The time spent on checking websites to verify coverage could be better spent on person-to-person patient interaction and effective patient experiences.

Shifting eligibility to a digital solution creates that time for more personal service and offers clear financial transparency for your patients. A digital verification solution streamlines many of the tasks and processes associated with checking vision and medical coverage. And when your solution connects with over 900 payers, including VSP, your practice can be saving hours each week and redirecting those elsewhere.

Take a look at what an automated insurance eligibility verification tool can do for your eyecare practice.

Reduces Denied Claims

Automated insurance eligibility software eliminates the tedious manual task of checking your patient’s insurance eligibility. Instead, it automatically provides accurate insurance data that helps determine the charges due like deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance. This feature enables you to search in real-time for a patient’s eligibility across multiple providers.

It also allows you to identify the patient’s benefits like contact lenses, eyeglass lenses, frames, and exams and whether the benefits are expired or available. This ability reduces denials and consequently cuts down on the days it takes to clear your accounts receivable at your practice. Fewer denials and fewer days in accounts receivable amount to quicker payments.

Automation means insurance checks happen instantly. In addition, it pinpoints insurance changes and human errors before your practice bills the carrier, ensuring clean claims. The automated system can alert your front office team if a patient isn’t eligible. With this information, staff can quickly find out if it’s a problem with insurance coverage or if they’ve input the wrong data, such as an incorrect birthdate.

Increases Staff Productivity

By switching to an automated vision eligibility verification system, you eliminate some of the back and forth that administrative tasks necessitate, freeing up more time for your staff. Also, the system is automatically and regularly updated to keep track of any payer changes so that your team doesn’t have to.

On top of that, your practice won’t be spending as much time resubmitting rejected claims. The staff responsible for doing this manual work can better manage their time, focus on more patient-centric roles, and provide patients with better attention and care.

Improves Point of Service Collections

Armed with the details you require, thanks to automated eligibility verification, your team can educate patients on their insurance plan and out-of-pocket costs, enabling upfront payment. This goes a long way in ensuring price transparency to patients rather than surprising them with the cost of their appointment.

Insurance checks and automated eligibility verification also do away with the awkwardness and inconvenience of informing patients they owe you but aren’t covered by their healthcare plans. Because eligibility checks are automatic, patient wait times are significantly reduced, speeding up check-in. The result? No financial surprises after the appointment, leading to fewer disputed bills. In the long run, you’re looking at more satisfied patients.

Streamline Vision Eligibility Verification with Clearwave

Having to verify insurance eligibility manually is a huge pain point for ophthalmology practices. But with the help of Clearwave, your practice can drastically reduce the bottlenecks caused by eligibility verification due to inefficient manual processes.

Clearwave’s real-time Eligibility-as-a-Service engine makes it easy to verify primary, secondary and tertiary insurance benefits in record time.

Want to learn more about how you can avoid denials, increase your staff productivity, and clear patient claims faster? Schedule a quick, thirty-minute demo with Clearwave now!

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