How Can Healthcare Organizations Attract and Retain New Patients?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Each interaction and experience that a healthcare organization has with a patient can impact retention. Retention can preserve sources of revenue, making it critical to develop patient-centric experiences that leave a lasting positive impression on your patients.

How do practices and health organizations incentivize new patients to come through the door? How do they keep patients coming back for return visits? The key is to cultivate positive touchpoints throughout the patient journey.

To build your patient relationships, communication and convenience are key. Clearwave uses systems like patient scheduling, check-in and communication tools to drive patient engagement at all points of the patient journey, from appointment scheduling to clinical intake and beyond.

Patient Scheduling

The more difficult it is for a patient to schedule an appointment, the less likely they are to follow through with getting their appointment on the calendar. Patient scheduling should take no more than a few minutes and be simple for your patients to accomplish.

Scheduling difficulties can turn potential new patients away from your practice or cause current patients to look elsewhere. Clearwave solves this problem by automating scheduling and opening it up to your patients, which also reduces the scheduling burden placed on your staff.

Our software includes 24/7 online patient scheduling and enhanced call center scheduling through Clearwave Scheduling.

Clearwave Scheduling gives your patients the convenience of scheduling their appointments with ease. Our patented SchedLogic™ matching algorithm guides all scheduling. Your patients will enjoy an improved experience and allow your staff to operate more efficiently.

Patient Check-In

Give time back to your patients by eliminating check-in paperwork. Filling patient forms at the time of arrival can cause bottlenecks, backing up appointment times through the remainder of the day.

Pre-Check from Clearwave delivers autonomy to your patients thanks to a simple-to-use interface on their devices. Choosing to use Pre-Check smooths your workflow and prevents unnecessary time spent in-office. This technology has also been proven to reduce the occurrence of no-shows drastically. It’s all thanks to the following plan that Pre-Check from Clearwave enables:

  1. The appointment reminder is sent to the patient through email or text, and eligibility verification begins immediately with Eligibility-as-a-Service.
  2. The patient is prompted to start Pre-Check, including insurance information and scanning their driver’s license. All of the relevant data is sent directly to you.
  3. Your staff reviews the information as an overview in the dashboard. Clearwave automatically searches for errors and alerts your team if any are found. The schedule for the day is then prepped with any open spots available to be filled at any time.
  4. The patient arrives for their appointment. All information is already complete, updated and pre-verified before they see their doctor.
  5. The patient checks in on their mobile device or by using in-office tablets or kiosks.
  6. The patient is ready to proceed with their appointment just after arriving. The process has been expedited and is more efficient with minimal staff intervention.

Patient Communication Tools

The doctor-patient relationship must include clear communication. Clearwave allows instant and easy communications at every step of the patient journey.

Appointment reminders, a two-way texting system and contact information validation mean that patients are always informed. Physicians and patients are up to date on important information and using technology that today’s healthcare consumers expect and value.


Healthcare providers need to be able to access a wide array of information reliably to operate efficiently. Using multiple systems without having integrated platforms can muddle your processes and increase the likelihood of errors. Clearwave integrates with more than 50 of the most common medical records and practice management systems on one platform.

New patients are bound to notice the improvement to your workflow when you can quickly, accurately and securely verify benefits and submit claims.

Is your practice unsure how to attract and retain new patients? Click here to download Clearwave’s whitepaper, Driving New Patient Acquisition with Digital Access and Scheduling to learn more!

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