The Top 5 Patient Self-Scheduling Myths Busted!

Self-scheduling is a deal-breaker for patients that will impact your profits this year. Today, 82% of patients prefer a provider who offers online scheduling and 61% have avoided a booking altogether due to challenges, like being directed to book via phone call. Patients are demanding ownership over appointment bookings, and without action, practices are struggling to compete for patients. The hesitancy to make the transition lies on the providers shoulders. Debunk the top five patient self-scheduling myths and uncover the benefits of patient self-scheduling! 

Download the guide to see: 

  • The 5 Provider Misconceptions Around Patient Scheduling 
  • How to Find a Solution That Meets Provider & Patient Expectations 
  • How Self-Scheduling Improves Booking Accuracy and Efficiency 
  • How Practice Are Increasing Patient Acquisition Via Self-Scheduling